The Highlight Reel.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

The past 7 yrs. In a Nutshell.

Seven years ago today, on a very, very hot Friday morning (very early 7:00 am to be exact) Jason Richard Jones and I were married for time and all eternity in the Salt Lake Temple. It seems so crazy to think that it has been seven years already. So much has happened in the past seven years.
We bought a house, got a dog and a cat. Lost both the dog and the cat.
Tried our hand at parenting, (yes we decided to take on a kid even though we couldn't take care of our pets. Thankfully we did much better at parenting then we did at pet-owning.) thus came about Trenton.
Had another kid, just 12 months and 3 weeks later. The result was Easton. Without him rushing to join our family, Trent would have ended up an only child.
We got a degree in Business from UT St. I say "We" because I did write several papers for Jason's English class so I deserve at least 4 credits of that degree.
Sold our cute little house on Fox Run.
Bought a new house. Did months and months of remodeling.
Had another baby, sweet little Bryn Leigh
Sold house on 550 South
Began construction on our dream home.

Through all that changing we have grown more and more in love, for each other and our little family.

Love you Jason, here to seventy more years just like the last 7 ( or maybe 5 wink, wink.)

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