The Highlight Reel.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Swim like a fish

Trent and Easton took swimming lessons last month.
(yes I am only bogging about it now, three weeks later)
They had such a great time. The really love the water, they must get that from me, being how Jason never learned how to swim. (that's right babe, your secret is out!)


Their cousins, Xander and Tristan,
took them as well!


It turns out that Trent is a very good swimmer, so good that he was bumped up to the next class on the first day of lessons. This isn't much of a surprise being that Trent is so adventurous and very athletic.


It also turns out that Easton, is a class clown.

This isn't shocker to me either. I've always figured that Trent would be the brains of any operation and Easton would just be there for comic relief. Although he did very well and passed the class, he just kept the teachers very entertained while doing it.

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